[plt-scheme] I miss end-of-time...
On Mar 13, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:
>> OK, I'm getting confused here.
>> 1. What are the important differences between stop-with and end-
>> of-time?
> 'stop-with' is just a constructor for a world, meaning (stop-with
> 10) is just a special kind of world. You could introduce it via a
> definition:
> (define lost-world (stop-with "you lost"))
> (define won-world (stop-with "you won"))
> And your event handlers could return one of these worlds as they
> see fit:
> (define (mouse-handler w x y me) (if (= x 100) lost-world w))
> ;; ---
> end-of-time is an imperative command that shuts down the current
> thread and custodian.
Some of the difference is behind-the-scenes implementation details of
no interest to your students, but the above is a difference that they
can see. Related to it is the fact that "stop-with" can safely
appear as the right answer in a check-expect, whereas "end-of-time"
So I hereby correct the subject line: if I have "stop-with", I do NOT
miss "end-of-time" :-)
Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu