[plt-scheme] How to apply a multi-argument function to each element of a list

From: Carl Eastlund (carl.eastlund at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 2 19:01:09 EST 2010

My mistake, you are using Pretty Big.

To the below suggestions, add:

(require scheme/function)

...to the top of any file using the "curry" function.

Carl Eastlund

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Carl Eastlund <carl.eastlund at gmail.com> wrote:
> Barry,
> There are a few options.
> You can have the students write:
> (define (encrypt-message m)
>  (encrypt 17 40 m))
> Then you dodge this problem entirely.
> Or you can write:
> (map (curry encrypt 17 40) (list ...))
> Be careful with the "curry" function.  It can do funny things if the
> function you give it accepts a variable number of arguments.  But for
> a simple 3-argument function like "encrypt", it should work just fine.
> Or you can write any number of variations on your own version of
> "curry" and give it to students.  But you probably want the above, to
> keep things simple.
> Carl Eastlund
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Barry Brown <barry at cs.sierracollege.edu> wrote:
>> Sorry this is probably a basic question. Other than being familiar with the
>> HtDP material, I am kind of a Scheme newbie.
>> I'm working on an assignment for my students to implement RSA encryption.
>> One of the problems is, naturally, to write a function called encrypt that
>> consumes the encryption key pair e and n, along with a message m to encrypt.
>> They are using the Pretty Big language.
>> encrypt : number number number -> number
>> I would then like to use the encrypt function to encrypt a list of numbers.
>> Now, if Scheme had implicit currying like Haskell, I could do something like
>> this:
>> (map (encrypt 17 40) (list 100 115 76))
>> How can I do this in Scheme? The students have not seen lambda, nor will
>> they be introduced to it. This for a course in discrete structures; I'm
>> using Scheme to help illustrate some of the concepts they are learning.
>> I think the syntax ought to be similar to the "apply" function, but instead
>> of constructing an argument list, it applies the function to each element of
>> the list, using the two given arguments:
>> (apply-func encrypt 17 40 (list 100 115 76))
>> would be equivalent to:
>> (list (encrypt 17 40 100) (encrypt 17 40 115) (encrypt 17 40 76))
>> Thanks in advance!
>> -B

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