[racket] Racket & Netbook

From: David Brown (plt at davidb.org)
Date: Wed Jun 30 13:31:13 EDT 2010

On Wednesday 30 June 2010, Neil Toronto said:

> It'll drive any VGA projector or monitor under 2048x2048, and the newer 
> models probably do more and have digital output. It tends to take longer 
> than 3x to compile Slideshow apps compared to my desktop, but it's 
> snappy enough once that's done.

I have a Eee-PC 900, with a Celeron.  It is theoretically faster than
the atom based ones, but I've found that when I start compiling, the
processor starts pausing (probably thermal), and the whole UI also has
these same pauses.  It compiles small things fine, but build something
large, like Racket itself, and expect it to not be very usable while
it is building.

I would expect the Atom to have better thermal properties, though,
although it is slower overall.


Posted on the users mailing list.