[racket] shp.plt 1:2 example fail..

From: YC (yinso.chen at gmail.com)
Date: Sun Jun 27 20:35:04 EDT 2010

SHP 1.2 expects the following directory structures in its site -

   - root (anywhere you specify)
   - shp
      - file
      - js
         - css
         - ...

So in the example site that you used, the file sub directory does not exist
and hence you are seeing the error.  If you add the file sub directory to
the example site or create your own site with the above structure the error
will go away.

This bug will be patched in the next version, which hopefully will come out
in the next few weeks.

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:17 AM, 장유현 <zerosumz at nate.com> wrote:

>  I'm using plt-racket.
> and I tryed shp.plt example's web.ss to run.
> but I encounterd below error:
> ..\handler.ss:260:15: make-shp-handler: htdocs path C:\Documents and
> Settings\Euhyen\Application
> Data\Racket\planet\300\packages\bzlib\shp.plt\1\2\example\shp\..\file does
> not exist.
> What's wrong with that? :'(
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