[racket] confusing graphics primitives in 2htdp/image

From: Paul Ojanen (engineer at alum.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 25 19:51:43 EDT 2010

I got the impression from past discussions that pinholes would return.



From: users-bounces at racket-lang.org [mailto:users-bounces at racket-lang.org]
On Behalf Of Stephen Bloch
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:13 AM
To: PLT-Scheme Mailing List
Subject: [racket] confusing graphics primitives in 2htdp/image


There are a whole lot of graphics operations in 2htdp/image, and many of
them come in pairs: overlay/xy and place-image, add-line and scene+line,
add-curve and scene+curve, etc. that differ mainly in whether or not they
crop the result to the bounding box of one of the images.  (They sometimes
differ in how they interpret coordinates -- whether measured from the center
or the top-left of one of the images.)  Since the disappearance of pinholes,
the "scene" datatype doesn't serve much purpose any more.  Would it make
sense to use a consistent and compositional naming scheme, e.g.
add-line/crop, add-curve/crop, etc?

Stephen Bloch

sbloch at adelphi.edu




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