[racket] Metaprogramming with scheme
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On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Valeriya Pudova
<valery at digitalchile.net> wrote:
> The question is: when in the eval-synax process there will be called some
> function how that function can to reffer to the current syntax-object?
(foo 1 2)
(with-input-from-file "foo.ss"
(lambda ()
(parameterize ([error-display-handler (lambda (name . stuff)
(printf "Got ~a ~a\n" name stuff))])
(eval-syntax (read-syntax 'foo.ss)))))
Got foo.ss::0: compile: unbound identifier (and no #%app syntax
transformer is bound) at: foo in: (foo 1 2) (#(struct:exn:fail:syntax
foo.ss::0: compile: unbound identifier (and no #%app syntax
transformer is bound) at: foo in: (foo 1 2) #<continuation-mark-set>
(#<syntax::2 foo>)))
So the exception structure has the syntax object you want.