[racket] PLaneT and proxies

From: Norman Gray (norman at astro.gla.ac.uk)
Date: Sun Jun 20 15:59:00 EDT 2010

Eli and Robby, hello.

On 2010 Jun 20, at 20:49, Eli Barzilay wrote:

> On Jun 20, Norman Gray wrote:
>> Robby, hello.
>> On 2010 Jun 20, at 17:28, Robby Findler wrote:
>>> I'm not really familiar with proxy setups and how to simulate them,
>>> but if you wanted to submit a patch that worked for you, I'm pretty
>>> sure that I could verify/adjust enough of it to be confident that it
>>> wouldn't break others stuff and I'd put it in....
>> No probs.
>> The following should basically work:
>> % diff -c resolver.rkt{-orig,}
>> [...]
> Does planet go through net/url?  If so, then this is better done
> there.  (And if it doesn't, then it should...)

It does.  And yes (and yes, probably).

> And IIRC, it already deals with proxy, only one that is set manually.

I can't see any proxy-setup there, only the definition of the current-proxy-servers parameter.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk

Posted on the users mailing list.