[racket] syntax/parse ellipses question

From: Eric Dobson (endobson at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 11 16:12:03 EDT 2010

Thanks, that makes sense after looking very closely at the
documentation. I was able to work around it by introducing a
syntax-class, which had the added benefit of being more readable then
nested ~or patterns.


On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Ryan Culpepper <ryanc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Eric Dobson wrote:
>> I'm trying to use the syntax/parse library, and am running into a
>> weird problem when using ~or. It works without ellipses, but with
>> ellipses it complains about a duplicated attribute. I would assume
>> that the attributes with the same name in an ~or pattern were the same
>> attribute that could just match in different ways. A simplified
>> version is below, the first 4 examples work, and the fifth does not.
>> Is there a restriction that I am missing for why this does not work?
> There are three variants of ~or: single-term ~or, head ~or, and
> ellipsis-head ~or. Ellipsis-head ~or has different rules for attributes,
> which the docs seem not to explain. I'll update the docs.
>> (syntax-parse #'(1 2 3)
>>  [((~or x:number) ...) (syntax->datum #'(x ...))])
>> (syntax-parse #'(a b c)
>>  [((~or x:id) ...) (syntax->datum #'(x ...))])
> Both of the above are ellipsis-head ~or, not that it matters.
>> (syntax-parse #'(1)
>>  [((~or x:id x:number)) (syntax->datum #'(x))])
>> (syntax-parse #'(a)
>>  [((~or x:id x:number)) (syntax->datum #'(x))])
> These are both single-term ~or.
>> #;
>> (syntax-parse #'(a 1 b)
>>  [((~or x:id x:number) ...) (syntax->datum #'(x ...))])
> This is ellipsis-head ~or. The difference is that ellipsis-head ~or
> accumulates different alternatives' attributes independently. The different
> alternatives must have disjoint attributes. (For now, anyway; I'm
> considering relaxing that restriction.) For example,
> (syntax-parse #'(a b #:c d e #:f g)
>  [((~or x:id (~seq k:keyword kx:id)) ...)
>   #'((x ...) ((k kx) ...))])
> => #<syntax ((a b e) ((#:c d) (#:f g)))>
> You can turn the ~or back into a single-term ~or by putting another pattern
> form between it and the ellipses. For example,
> (syntax-parse #'(a 1 b)
>  [((~and (~or x:id x:number)) ...) ___])
> Hope that helps!
> Ryan

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