[racket] Primitive scheme -> racket namespace converter
On 06/10/2010 09:34 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:
> This doesn't seem to do the replacement when the language is just #lang scheme.
Oh, yeah it wouldn't. Well it's an easy fix. But seriously, don't use
this on anything you care about. As I said it deletes line-based
comments. It also reformats the whitespace, though that's less of a
concern thanks to racket/pretty. I only wrote this because I don't know
of any other automated tool in progress, and I hope someone else can
benefit from my errors, when they later actually make something that works.
The way I read #lang is wrong of course, but (read-language) is another
one of those crazy procedures I don't understand either. Somehow it
magically pulls a procedure named "get-info" from some global context I
don't know, which it then calls to get a procedure that you call to get
information about the syntax. None of which will tell you what's
supposed to go after "#lang" when writing the .rkt file.
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