[plt-scheme] [redex] what computation is happening?

From: Casey Klein (clklein at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 3 10:49:23 EDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:32 AM, Eric Tanter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm wondering what happens exactly when one "runs" a redex module that has no tests/traces at all.
> Nothing really. See below.
>> I have one language definition and one reduction relation (admittedly both quite complex, around 300 lines with generous indentation), and when I click "run" it takes around 40 seconds before I get the prompt back in the interaction window.
>> So something substantial must be going on, I'd like to know what.
> Expansion. Redex is kind of like Typed Scheme in this regard. It exists to make your programs run slower.

If you find the 40 seconds too painful, turn off debugging and profiling.

1. Select "Choose Language..." from the "Language" menu.
2. Click the "Show Details" button for the module/#lang language.
3. Edit the "Dynamic Properties."

On my machine, running the R6RS model takes about 70 seconds with
debugging and profiling enabled but only 10 seconds without it.

>> In particular, that computation was able to find places where I forgot to use ellipsis for instance, but not able to report parts where I use undefined metafunctions (I use around 20 as-yet-undefined metafunctions in the reductions). I doubt that these 40 seconds are only used to check for proper uses of ellipses...

FWIW, Redex can't tell if a symbol is an undefined meta-function or a
literal in the syntax of your object language.

>> (I'm on 4.2.5, mac os 10.6)
>> Thanks!
>> -- Éric
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