[plt-scheme] To Racket...
Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> writes:
> If removing "compiled" directories helps, that would be good to know.
> Otherwise, can you say more about the file organization and/or produce
> an example that I can try?
I can know reproduce the problem.
I have a hard link:
| $ cat .racket/planet/300/HARD-LINKS
| ("eboc.plt" ("pjmatos") 1 0 #"/localhome/pmatos/Code/eboc/." #f development-link)
Now the following structure inside ~/tmp:
| pmatos at pm18pc01:~/tmp$ tree
| .
| |-- test
| | |-- search-sig.scm
| | `-- test1.scm
| `-- test.scm
| 1 directories, 3 files
The files are all attached.
Open test.scm and press Run. I hope you can also reproduce the problem.
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