[racket] SXML->xexprs ?
bzlib/xml.plt has sxml->xexpr and xexpr->sxml that might be of use to you.
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 5:33 PM, pedro pinto <pedro.e.pinto at gmail.com>wrote:
> Thanks, I wrote a very rudimentary function that simply strips @ and &. I
> am sure its not quite that simple but for the html fragments I am dealing
> with it seems to be enough.
> -pp
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org>wrote:
>> Pedro Pinto wrote at 07/25/2010 11:04 AM:
>> > I am using neil/htmlprag to generate sxml and lizorkin/sxml to
>> manipulate it. I would like to mash together the resulting sxml with my own
>> generated xexprs. Is there a recommended way to go about this? Ideally I
>> would like to be able to use both xexprs and sxml since each format seems to
>> have a different set of useful toolkits.
>> I think that the short-term solution is to write an "shtml->xexprs"
>> procedure. This procedure is mostly just a simple tree traversal. (I wrote
>> such a procedure, but regrettably no longer have access to that code.)
>> Longer-term, I plan to release some libraries and a spec for a new format
>> that's mostly backward-compatible with both SXML and xexprs, and that adds a
>> few things that neither format has. I've actually found only one nontrivial
>> difference between SXML and xexprs, and I don't think that difference is
>> worth fragmenting the base of libraries over, nor worth the increased bugs
>> as programmers intermix both formats in their code. (I did most of this
>> library and spec work last year, but it needs polishing up and be reviewed
>> by SXML and PLT people, so that the spec is fairly stable before anyone
>> starts depending on it. I've also committed to doing a couple SRFIs on the
>> spec and libraries.)
>> --
>> http://www.neilvandyke.org/
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