[racket] web-server file upload content-disposition headers and IE6
Oops - I didn't mean to send the message out as it was still just a draft -
sorry for it not making sense. Please disregard the message.
(I was trying to say that it appears that web-server's binding:file struct
holds the Content-Disposition header in the headers field for requests that
come from other browsers besides IE6, but I since found that I was my own
code mistake. So please disregard).
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com>wrote:
> I don't understand what you are saying is different.
> You say that "the Content-Disposition header for the file upload is
> removed in IE6". How, in IE6, are you observing whether the header is
> removed and what does that have to do with Racket?
> What Racket program is doing something different given two different
> HTTP requests when you think it should be doing the same thing?
> Jay
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 5:36 PM, YC <yinso.chen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi -
> > it seems that the Content-Disposition header for the file upload is
> removed
> > in IE6 (kept in binding:file-filename of course) but preserved in other
> > browsers that I tested (FF, Chrome). Is there a specific reason behind
> the
> > difference?
> > Below is the header for FF:
> > -----------------------------145144739312095878781463263044
> > Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content"; filename="jelly_fish.jpg"
> > Content-Type: image/jpeg
> > Below is the header for IE6:
> > -----------------------------7da35b2f500e2
> > Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content";
> > filename="Z:\Pictures\jelly_fish.jpg"
> > Content-Type: image/pjpeg
> > As far as I can tell, the header themselves should not have triggered the
> > difference. Thanks,
> > yc
> >
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> --
> Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
> Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
> http://teammccarthy.org/jay
> "The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
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