[racket] teachpack/htdp/image
Thanks, that helped.
I had a doc directory in my home page, probably originating from an older
I deleted it and installed racket again. Works perfect now.
After reinstalling, the doc directory in my home page was not reinstalled,
but I assume that does not matter.
Anyway, everything is fine now.
I think I know what went wrong. My own fault. I have my own collects
directory in my home page. That is easy, for it is by default in the current
library-collections-paths. When installing a new version, I used to simply
rename the directory called after the version to the new version. Worked
well for ages, but I should not do that, I guess.
Thanks again, Jos
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eli Barzilay [mailto:eli at barzilay.org]
> Sent: 10 July 2010 07:17
> To: Jos Koot
> Cc: 'Robby Findler'; users at lists.racket-lang.org
> Subject: Re: [racket] teachpack/htdp/image
> On Jul 9, Jos Koot wrote:
> >
> > Strange: when going directly to doc/index.html in my
> > Racket-Full- directory I do get all hits. The
> problem occurs
> > only when running Racket Documentation.exe or choosing help in
> > DrRacket. May be this gives a clue?
> The latter would take you to your user-specific index page.
> Does the URL seem fine? (It should be somewhere in your home
> directory and it should have the racket version in the path.)
> --
> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))
> Eli Barzilay:
> http://barzilay.org/
> Maze is Life!