[racket] Compilation of program in racket failed

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Fri Jul 9 10:40:24 EDT 2010

At Fri, 09 Jul 2010 11:49:59 +0100, Paulo J. Matos wrote:
> Hello,
> I can run my program in DrRacket, however, when I go the command line
> and issue:
> ,----
> | pmatos at pm18pc01:~/Code/eboc$ ~/Applications/racket-5.0/bin/raco exe -o
> | eboc main.scm
> | pmatos at pm18pc01:~/Code/eboc$ ./eboc
> | standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found: "planet" in any of:
> | (#<path:/localhome/pmatos/Code/collects>)
> | 
> |  === context ===
> | standard-module-name-resolver
> | standard-module-name-resolver
> | #%embedded:g3759:esmc-mode: [traversing imports]
> | #%mzc:main: [traversing imports]
> | loop
> `----
> I have in fact a link setup in planet but I expected raco exe to find
> that out and sort these issues on its own. Am I missing something?

This looks like a bug in the module-name resolver created for the

Is one of the following true?:

 * "esmc-mode.rkt" (or ".ss") uses `(require (planet ....))' to refer
   to a Planet package.

   In that case, what form of Planet path does it use?

 * "esmc-mode.rkt" (or ".ss") is in a planet package, it is imported by
   "main.rkt" using `(require (planet ....))', and "esmc-mode.rkt"
   refers to some other file through a relative path.

   In that case, what forms of Planet path does "main.rkt" use? And is
   "main.rkt" the main module of the executable?


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