[racket] Macro Problem

From: Manu (chompmotte at yahoo.fr)
Date: Thu Jul 8 18:42:03 EDT 2010


I am having a problem with the following macro:

(define-syntax lambda-r
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ args exp ...)
      (lambda args
         (lambda (return)
             exp ... ))))))

it's meant to define a lambda-r form, which wraps a lambda in call/cc, 
so I can use a "return-like" operator.

The following is an example of using lambda-r:

(define test-return
   (lambda-r ()
             (let ((input (read)))
               (if (number? input)
                   (if (> input 0)
                         (display "positive")
                         (return input))                        ;; if 
input is > 0 this should escape out of the procedure
                       (display "negative or zero"))
                   (display "not a number"))
               (display "no return")                         ;; if input 
is > 0 this shouldn't get displayed

I get the following error when I run the previous example (and enter a 
positive integer):

  => reference to undefined identifier: return

The puzzling thing is that if I run the macro expansion (as shown by the 
Macro Stepper), it works !
Here is the macro expansion:

(define test-return
   (lambda ()
      (lambda (return)
        (let ((input (read)))
          (if (number? input)
            (if (> input 0)
              (begin (display "positive") (return input))
              (display "negative or zero"))
            (display "not a number"))
          (display "no return"))))))

What I am missing ?


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