[racket] Planet crashing, hanging upgade during compilation
> I'm having trouble seeing the bad behavior you see. One thing is that
> installing racket doesn't install any planet packages, afaik. Perhaps
> you can say more carefully what it was you did exactly?
> Robby
Oh, sorry, yes I should specify more clearly. I install racket in a
DESTDIR temporary directory as a normal user, and that user has some
planet packages. When racket installs, setup-raco also descends into the
user's planet packages and recompiles stuff, downloading as planet finds
updated packages since the last one. I'm not sure if it's intended to do
that, but I don't usually give it much mind. Removing ~/.racket allowed
me to install racket, but the same bad behavior was there once I tried
to install a planet package greater in size than 300K or so.
To reproduce the bad behavior, try installing bzlib's date-tz on a user
with an empty planet:
$ raco planet install bzlib date-tz.plt 1 0
When that hangs and you get tired of waiting for it, try just getting
the URL and manually downloading date-tz.plt:
$ raco planet url bzlib date-tz.plt 1 0
$ http_proxy= wget -c `raco planet url bzlib date-tz.plt 1 0`
You'll notice that the wget too fails, and hangs in the middle of the
download of date-tz.plt. I can get anywhere between 15% and 30% before
it hangs.
And if you try again:
$ http_proxy= wget -c `raco planet url bzlib date-tz.plt 1 0`
...you'll notice that planet does not support resuming a download, and
forces you to start from the beginning again, then hangs again some time
before the end.
If you don't notice this, then the only thing I can think is it's my ISP
or something. I tried wget -c something.else.mp3 and it worked just
fine. But I simply cannot download date-tz.plt from the only planet server.
Can anyone else wget that particular package? I'm thinking that it might
only be a problem for packages that are larger in size, since the
smaller packages might fully transfer before the server coughs out.