[plt-scheme] OpenGL and GLUT

From: Ben Goetter (goetter at mazama.net)
Date: Mon Jan 18 21:38:04 EST 2010

Attached are three sample programs, all direct translations of GLUT C 
code to PLT Scheme.

The first (teapot.ss) is the Newell teapot, originally translated to PLT 
Scheme by Neil van Dyke, trivially updated to use contemporary PLT 
bindings by me.  Compare this against the teapot.c in Mesa GLUT, e.g. 

The second (rbex91.ss) is a translation of example program 9-1 from the 
OpenGL Red Book.  Compare it against 

The third (molehill.ss) is a translation of the  "really, really shiny 
nurbs/evaluators example" from SGI's GLUT examples repository.  (Unlike 
the other two examples, you won't be able to run this sample yourself, 
as it depends on NURBS support that never made into the official 
sgl/gl.ss.)  Compare it against 

I hope these help.

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