[plt-scheme] Casting SPELs in Lisp^H^H^H^H Scheme
In case someone is interested in translating
http://www.lisperati.com/casting.html -- here's the code, translated
to PLT.
#lang scheme
(define *objects* '(whiskey-bottle bucket frog chain))
(define *map*
'((living-room (you are in the living-room of a wizards house. there is a wizard snoring loudly on the couch.)
(west door garden)
(upstairs stairway attic))
(garden (you are in a beautiful garden. there is a well in front of you.)
(east door living-room))
(attic (you are in the attic of the abandoned house. there is a giant welding torch in the corner.)
(downstairs stairway living-room))))
(define *object-locations*
'((whiskey-bottle living-room)
(bucket living-room)
(chain garden)
(frog garden)))
(define *location* 'living-room)
(define (describe-location location map)
(second (assoc location map)))
(define (describe-path path)
`(there is a ,(second path) going ,(first path) from here.))
(define (describe-paths location map)
(append-map describe-path (cddr (assoc location map))))
(define (is-at? obj loc obj-loc)
(eq? (second (assoc obj obj-loc)) loc))
(define (describe-floor loc objs obj-loc)
(append-map (lambda (x)
`(you see a ,x on the floor.))
(filter (lambda (x) (is-at? x loc obj-loc))
(define (look)
(append (describe-location *location* *map*)
(describe-paths *location* *map*)
(describe-floor *location* *objects* *object-locations*)))
(define (walk-direction direction)
(let ([next (assoc direction (cddr (assoc *location* *map*)))])
(cond [next (set! *location* (third next)) (look)]
[else '(you cant go that way.)])))
(define-syntax-rule (defspel rest ...) (define-syntax-rule rest ...))
(defspel (walk direction)
(walk-direction 'direction))
(defspel (push! x l) (set! l (cons x l)))
(define (pickup-object object)
(cond [(is-at? object *location* *object-locations*)
(push! (list object 'body) *object-locations*)
`(you are now carrying the ,object)]
[else '(you cannot get that.)]))
(defspel (pickup object)
(pickup-object 'object))
(define (inventory)
(filter (lambda (x)
(is-at? x 'body *object-locations*))
(define (have object)
(member object (inventory)))
(define *chain-welded* #f)
(define *bucket-filled* #f)
(defspel (game-action command subj obj place rest ...)
(defspel (command subject object)
(cond [(and (eq? *location* 'place)
(eq? 'subject 'subj)
(eq? 'object 'obj)
(have 'subj))
rest ...]
[else '(i cant command like that.)])))
(game-action weld chain bucket attic
(cond [(have 'bucket)
(set! *chain-welded* #t)
'(the chain is now securely welded to the bucket.)]
[else '(you do not have a bucket.)]))
(game-action dunk bucket well garden
(cond [*chain-welded*
(set! *bucket-filled* #t)
'(the bucket is now full of water)]
[else '(the water level is too low to reach.)]))
(game-action splash bucket wizard living-room
(cond [(not *bucket-filled*) '(the bucket has nothing in it.)]
[(have 'frog) '(the wizard awakens and sees that you stole his frog. he is so upset he banishes you to the netherworlds- you lose! the end.)]
[else '(the wizard awakens from his slumber and greets you warmly. he hands you the magic low-carb donut- you win! the end.)]))
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!