[plt-scheme] PLT and Google Summer of Code

From: Dmitry Dzhus (dima at sphinx.net.ru)
Date: Sun Feb 28 12:29:59 EST 2010


It would be wonderful to see PLT as a mentoring organization in the
upcoming Google Summer of Code 2010. It's a big project with good
community and documentation, and it also concentrates on a very
interesting development, which I think means that many students will be
very interested in contributing in such a major Scheme project like PLT.

Possible directions for GSoC PLT projects are web framework, GUI
library, Scheme dialects developed under PLT umbrella like Typed Scheme
(my personal interest) and others, which means that students will have
plenty of ways to contribute to the project.

I'd like to hear what PLT community as well as possible future
participants think about PLT being an organization for GSoC.
Happy Hacking.


Posted on the users mailing list.