[plt-scheme] struct inheritance and scheme/contract

From: YC (yinso.chen at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 25 01:31:16 EST 2010

Hi all -

I encountered a strange error in 4.2.3 - it seems that provide/contract and
inherited structs might have some conflicts.  Below I have a 3 layer struct
inheritance, done in different files.  If I change the last file's
(provide/contract ...) to (provide (struct-out ...)) then it works, but
otherwise it throws a strange error "provide/contract: expected field name
to be nner, but found inner in: inner".

Any thoughts are appreciated.  Thanks,

;; --- base.ss
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/contract
(define-struct kvs (inner) #:mutable)

 (struct kvs ((inner any/c)))

;; -- mime.ss
#lang scheme/base
(require "base.ss"

(define-struct (mime kvs) (body))

 (struct mime ((inner any/c)
               (body any/c)))

;; -- content.ss ;; throw error "provide/contract: expected field name to be
nner, but found inner in: inner"
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/contract

(define-struct (content mime) (test))

 (struct content ((inner any/c) ;; error occurs here - "provide/contract:
expected field name to be nner, but found inner in: inner"
                  (body any/c)
                  (test any/c)))
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