[plt-scheme] HTDP - evidently not for everyone.

From: Parnell Springmeyer (ixmatus at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Feb 9 21:00:21 EST 2010

Hash: SHA1

> A paper that runs counter to the ethos of HTDP as boldly stated in the
> preface of the 1st edition that "everyone should learn how to design
> programs".

The paper doesn't seem to run counter to that statement, the paper seems
to address the growing minority of students that struggle with *learning*
how to design programs.

Difficulty in learning to design/write programs (this conclusion
is anecdotal) is a result of information abundance and the student's
inability to discerne from that information soup what is relevant to their dominant intention while
learning. This inability is bred by an educational system that relies on
the appeal to authority for teaching - rather than student's discovery
of knowledge.

There are many intellects that overcome this by augmenting the traditional system
with their own methods of learning, hobbies, &c...

> My failure to post an abstract is a deliberate attempt to wind up and
> seek  chastisement from Shiram.

Why chastisement? Punishment is a method of "breaking in" and that is precisely
why some people have an impoverished ability to reason clearly and

I am an autodidact, worked my way through math, programming (started out
with PHP and ended up becoming a Scheme and Erlang addict), psychology,
philosophy, etc... I can confidently say that during the
time I was in school I was sub-average by society's standards. I now
know things and learn things I never thought I could - simply because I
applied willpower and discernement to my learning process.

I wrote this because I want to argue *for* adroit lucubration and not
for a perceived short coming in individuals - the ability is within
everyone (especially if I went from being a drop out to what I am

- -- 
Parnell "Ixmatus" Springmeyer (http://ixmat.us)
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