[racket] calling osx binaries from racket

From: Jakub Piotr Cłapa (jpc-ml at zenburn.net)
Date: Wed Aug 25 17:06:49 EDT 2010

On 25.08.10 20:10, John Clements wrote:
> IIUC, the basic problem here is that on the mac, many users don't start racket from a terminal window, which means that there isn't a $PATH value to inherit.
> One solution to this is (as I do) to simply start drracket from the command-line.  In this case, you inherit the $PATH environment just fine. I conjecture that you (Jakub) do this as well.

Unfortunatelly you're right. I must have used 'open <racket-file>.rkt' 
to start this particular racket session. When I start it from the Dock I 
get the usual GUI PATH. Sorry for the confusion.

That said:
1. Trying several popular paths is probably a good idea (an example of 
worse is better)
2. Running the command in a subshell (one obtained from /etc/passwd or 
Terminal.app configuration) should also work (but requires you to do 
argument quoting)

Jakub Piotr Cłapa

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