[racket] hack: implicit function arguments
Your library looks cool.. definately has more features than what I
made. What does 'scut' mean though? s-cut ?
On 08/14/2010 09:20 AM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> This is very similar to supercut:
> http://github.com/jeapostrophe/exp/blob/master/scut.ss
> scut allows you to put any expression inside it and it will turn it
> into a function. The arguments come from use of _. If you have _i then
> it will be the ith argument. If you have _string then the function
> will take a "string" keyword argument. The function takes as many
> arguments as the maximum i you use inside it. Finally, _... gives you
> the rest arg. The bottom of that file has many examples, here are a
> few:
> ((scut _0) 1) => 1
> ((scut (+ _0 (/ _1 _2)))
> 1 2 3)
> => (+ 1 (/ 2 3))
> ((scut (+ _lhs _lhs _rhs)) #:lhs 1 #:rhs 2)
> => 4
> ((scut (apply + _0 _...))
> 1 2 3)
> => 6
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Jon Rafkind<rafkind at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> I came up with this little hack that lets you avoid giving an explicit
>> argument list to functions. Arguments are discovered by usages of
>> underscores followed by a number, like _1 and _2. Partly inspired by scala;
>> sure to make your blood boil if you love hygiene.
>> ;;; usage
>> (define/implicit foo1 (printf "~a ~a ~a\n" _8 _9 _8))
>> (foo1 5 12)
>> ;;; code
>> #lang racket/base
>> (require (for-syntax racket/base
>> racket/list
>> syntax/parse
>> )
>> racket/stxparam)
>> (define-syntax-rule (implicits all thing ...)
>> (begin
>> (define-syntax-parameter thing (lambda (stx)
>> (raise-syntax-error #f (format "~a can only
>> be used in a
>> define/implicit function" 'thing))))
>> ...
>> (provide thing ...)
>> (define-for-syntax all (list #'thing ...))))
>> (implicits all-implicits _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _10)
>> (provide define/implicit lambda/implicit)
>> (define-syntax (lambda/implicit stx)
>> (define (find-implicits stx)
>> (define-syntax-class implicit
>> [pattern x:identifier
>> #:when (ormap (lambda (y)
>> (free-identifier=? y #'x))
>> all-implicits)])
>> (remove-duplicates
>> (filter values
>> (syntax-parse stx
>> [x:implicit (list #'x)]
>> [(x ...) (apply append (map find-implicits (syntax->list #'(x
>> ...))))]
>> [else (list #f)]))
>> free-identifier=?))
>> (syntax-parse stx
>> [(_ body ...)
>> (define implicit-arguments (find-implicits stx))
>> (with-syntax ([(new-arg ...) (generate-temporaries implicit-arguments)]
>> [(implicit ...) implicit-arguments])
>> #'(lambda (new-arg ...)
>> (syntax-parameterize ([implicit (make-rename-transformer
>> #'new-arg)] ...)
>> body ...)))]))
>> (define-syntax-rule (define/implicit name body ...)
>> (define name (lambda/implicit body ...)))
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