[racket] Possible to install both plt-scheme from repo and racket from racket-lang.org?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sat Aug 14 08:10:06 EDT 2010

It doesn't do that.

But the racket installation can install in its own directory and then
you just have to delete that directory to uninstall it (under linux).


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 5:36 AM, Horace Dynamite
<horace.dynamite at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I prefer to use the distro repository to install software when
>> possible, since that makes it easier to manage and update (at least
>> for a relative Linux newbie), but Debian/Ubuntu hasn't updated the
>> plt-scheme package and dependencies to Racket yet.
> I do see a Ubuntu download on the Racket download page,
> http://racket-lang.org/download/.
> It's a shell script, but since they say it's for Ubuntu, chances are
> high that it'll build itself using the debian packing tools and
> install itself into the dpkg database so you can remove it with
> apt-get/aptitude whatever it is you use.
> I can't download 42 MB atm to check, so someone else will have to
> confirm how this builds. (careful about possibly "masking" existing
> binarys, as I mentioned before).
> I think these shell script installers ask you where you'd like to
> install the files, called a ``prefix" in case you were wondering
> before. I'd chose /opt. So that all the binarys/man pages/etc will be
> under /opt/racket. If you decide you'd like to remove Racket, just
> remove the /opt/racket directory. You could then add /opt/racket/bin
> to the end of your $PATH so that drscheme will still be found in the
> cannoncial /usr/... location.
> If none of this sounds feasible to you, another option is to ask the
> package maintainer of PLT Scheme to update the official package.
> Horace.
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