[racket] Polymorphic occurrence typing
Are there any plans for it? Would it be difficult to do? I ask because
it seems it would make using polymorphic struct subtypes easier. Here's
an example of the problem:
#lang typed/racket
(struct: (T) datum ([val : T]))
(struct: (T) data datum ([vals : (Listof T)]))
(: get-vals (All (T) ((datum T) -> (Listof T))))
;; Returns the values in the struct as a list
(define (get-vals d)
; type error here:
(cond [(data? d) (cons (datum-val d) (data-vals d))]
[(datum? d) (list (datum-val d))]))
(get-vals (data 1 '(2 3 4)))
Type Checker: Polymorphic function cons could not be applied to arguments:
Types: a (Listof a) -> (Listof a)
a b -> (Pairof a b)
Arguments: Nothing (Listof Any)
Expected result: (Listof T)
in: (cons (datum-val d) (data-vals d))
The problem is the type of data?, which is (Any -> Boolean : (data
Any)), so in the first branch above, d has type (data Any) instead of
(data T). But if data? : (All (S) (Any -> Boolean : (data S))), it seems
I could make this function work, even if I had to annotate data? with
(Any -> Boolean : (data T)) to use it.
BTW, shouldn't the first argument type to cons be Any instead of Nothing?
Neil T