[racket] Adding a collection path (Was: Re: Long compilation+launch times)
> Or even better: is there a way to add a collection permanently
> (such as in the preferences), so that I don't have to declare them each
> time I run racket, gracket, mzc, etc.
The docs say the PLTCOLLECTS environment variable must be set to a given
path, but the following doesn't work:
~/Projets/Scheme-svn/gui-tools$ echo $PLTCOLLECTS
~/Projets/Scheme-svn/gui-tools$ gracket board.rkt
board.rkt:3:9: common/common: standard-module-name-resolver:
collection not found: "common" in any of:
#<path:/usr/plt->) in: common/common
=== context ===
Removing the ":" in PLTCOLLECTS does the same thing.
The docs also say "additional collection directories can be specified in
configuration files", but it does not say how.
Has anyone played with this?
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