[racket] Windows image bug (again, sorry)

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Mon Aug 2 14:02:34 EDT 2010

I think I've fixed this bug and pushed the change to git. It seems to
have been specific to images that don't have an alpha channel (eg
gifs). If that matches your experience, then likely it is the same


On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Todd O'Bryan <toddobryan at gmail.com> wrote:
> So, Windows seems to be able to open files with modified bitmaps, but
> it's not happy about saving or pasting them.
> Try this:
> Insert an image.
> Crop it in the Interactions window.
> Try to copy and paste that image back up to the top.
> This is on the latest nightly build.
> What's worse, it tries to save the file, gets an error, and destroys
> the file that was already there. My poor 7th grader just lost 2 hours
> of work. :-(
> I know Robby's busy, so we'll just be careful until he has time to put up a fix.
> Todd
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