[plt-scheme] Identifying at-exp string literals
Hi all,
I'm looking for a way to write a macro that can distinguish string
literals that do and don't come from at-expression boilerplate. For
example, in the following code:
(define b "b")
@list{a @b c}
I'd like to be able to differentiate "a " and " c" from "b".
My motivation: I'd like to make the (xml ...) macro from Mirrors.plt
at-expression-aware so that at-exps and s-exps are ampersand-encoded
differently. In other words, s-expression "<" and ">" are &-encoded:
(xml (p "The <br/> tag is a line break."))
==> <p>The <br/> tag is a line break.</p>
whereas at-expression "<" and ">" are not:
@xml{<p>The <br/> tag is a line break.</p>}
==> <p>The <br/> tag is a line break.</p>
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
-- Dave
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