[plt-scheme] mzc --exe failing on planet modules

From: Synx (plt at synx.us.to)
Date: Thu Sep 17 14:10:33 EDT 2009

Matthew Flatt wrote:
> Which version are you using?
> The symptom looks familiar --- something that was fixed somewhere along
> the way --- but I don't remember how to provoke that particular error.
> If you're using the latest version, could you provide a more complete
> example?

I'm using the latest version. A complete example would require this log
module, but it's kind of like "planet fileinject synx log.plt 1 0" and then

#lang scheme/base
(require (planet synx/log))

Then $ mzc --exe test test.ss; ./test
cdddr: expects argument of type <cdddrable value>; given ("synx" "log.ss")

 === context ===

I'll attach log/main.ss I guess, though it's nothing unusual so I can't
imagine it's specifically the problem.
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