[plt-scheme] Need low-level help: blocking on reading from serial port in Windows

From: YC (yinso.chen at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Oct 24 14:58:17 EDT 2009

On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Nadeem Abdul Hamid <nadeem at acm.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Nadeem Abdul Hamid <nadeem at acm.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > The delay causes the code to "hang" for about 5 to 10 seconds before
> > it the read comes through. An interval of 5 causes a much longer
> > "hang". And as YC suggested, the CPU usage is max-ed out during that
> > period...
> >
> Sorry, this was dumb. It delays exactly as expected. I've been working
> on this too long...

Nadeem -

to reduce the CPU usage you can use sync or the blocking variety of the
read-* functions, so that you are not melting your computer waiting for the
bytes to come through.  Looking at your function's logic it doesn't appear
you need the non-blocking methods, and the logic appears very similar to
read-bytes, but it returns a list of bytes instead of a byte-string.  So
something like the below should work:

(define (read-bytes/list num in)
  (bytes->list (read-bytes num in)))

read-bytes will hang unless it has captured enough bytes or encounter an
EOF.  If you need the function to return before encountering EOF but doesn't
hang forever - you can use other mechanisms, such as installing a max

(define (read-bytes/list/timeout num in timeout)
  (define (helper alarm acc count)
    (let ((evt (sync alarm in)))
      (if (eq? alarm evt)
          (reverse acc)
          (let ((b (read-byte in)))
            (cond ((eof-object? b)
                   (if (null? acc)
                       (reverse acc)))
                  ((= (add1 count) num)
                   (reverse (cons b acc)))
                   (helper alarm (cons b acc) (add1 count))))))))
  (helper (alarm-evt (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) (* 1000 timeout)))
'() 0))

In any event, it's likely that the issue lies at the port level if your
simulation that provides a deterministic flow of bytes works correctly even
when the cpu is maxed out.  You might have better luck to investigate the
port to make sure the data is flowing through.

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