[plt-scheme] Q. about editor<%> internal-locks
The stepper is triggering sequence-contract violations, and I've
tracked it down to a text% that's *internally locked*. My question is
this: what's the right way to deal with this? Should I just poll until
the text% is no longer internally locked?
E.G., something like this?
(let loop ()
(cond [(send status-text locked-for-write?)
(fprintf (current-error-port) "waiting to try again.\n")
(sleep/yield 0.01)
[else (send status-text delete 0 (send status-text last-
... This seems to work, and it never seems to need to yield more than
once, but I picked the sleep/yield number out of a hat, and it seems
like polling is not the right solution here. Perhaps there's a way to
queue a sequence of operations to be performed when the editor is no
longer locked? Perhaps these locks are predictable, and there's a way
to avoid the write lock in the first place?
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