[plt-scheme] Unhygienic macro not needed?

From: Carl Eastlund (carl.eastlund at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 20 09:11:00 EST 2009


I am a bit puzzled here.  What pattern of code are you trying to
abstract over here?  Code that calls several functions, culminating
with baz, with arguments x and (foo x)?  If so, I'd write it like

(define-syntax foo==>baz
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (a b) e ...)
     (let ((b (foo a)))
       e ...
       (baz a b)))))

(define (f1 x)
  (foo==>baz (x y)
    (bar x y y)
    (plop y x y)))

(define (f2 x)
  (foo==>baz (x y)))

As long as you put the variable names in the call to foo==>baz,
hygiene will be your friend.  There will be absolutely no difference
in code speed after compilation; the compiler will see exactly the
same function definitions you wrote before.

Carl Eastlund

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Still having difficulties with (hygienic) macros...
> I have the following (simplified) code :
> (define (f1 x)
>   (let ([y (foo x)])
>     (bar x y y)
>     (plop y x y)
>     (baz x y)))
> (define (f2 x)
>   (let ([y (foo x)])
>     (baz x y)))
> As I dislike code repetitions, I want to make a macro that could generate
> either f1 or f2 or any function that has a body between the `let' and the
> `(baz'.
> I want the generated code to be as fast as without using macro. This (as I
> understand it) is the case for `define-syntax' et al.
> Since `bar' has some arguments that are defined inside the function, my
> first (probably bad) guess was to use an unhygienic macro with
> `define-macro'. That was simple and worked. However my code was quite slower
> so I suspect the transformation is not syntactic but is rather done on the
> fly with an eval. And I don't want to be beaten to death by hygienic macro
> programmers either.
> So what is the correct way to (generically) compress this code without
> losing run-time, i.e. to have a syntactical transformation?
> Is it possible to define an hygienic macro without loss of genericity?
> Is there a hygienic macro programming style  that I could automatically use?
> Thanks,
> Laurent

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