[plt-scheme] Compile error help
Here is a simplified example of the problem I am having:
I open the following in DrScheme:
#lang scheme
(define (string-eval str) (eval (read (open-input-string str))))
(define (:Object-new c)
(new (string-eval c))
(define entity% (class object%
(field (Colour: "Red"))
(define point% (class entity%
(field (X: 0.0))
(field (Y: 0.0))
(field (Z: 0.0))
(define aa (:Object-new "point%"))
(define ab (:Object-new "entity%"))
When I run it, it comes up with the following error:
compile: unbound identifier (and no #%top syntax transformer is bound) in: point%
but then when I enter the last two lines into the interactions window, directly after the error, it works:
> (define aa (:Object-new "point%"))
(define ab (:Object-new "entity%"))
> aa
#(struct:object:point% ...)
> ab
#(struct:object:entity% ...)
Why does it work one time & not the other??
Any help would be appreciated.
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