[plt-scheme] show a snip in interactions pane
I believe DrScheme makes a copy of the snip before inserting it into the
interactions editor. Since you aren't overriding <the right stuff>, the
"copy" is probably just a string-snip%.
<the right stuff> might be just the snip% copy method. Or it might be
the whole snip-class infrastructure. I'm not sure. Try implementing copy
first and see if that works.
Jon Rafkind wrote:
> I was trying to draw colored strings by overriding the `draw' method of
> string-snip% but my string is always drawn in black (foreground) and
> white (background). Is it because the interactions pane always prints
> the raw text from `get-text' ?
> (define (text-snip text)
> (new
> (class string-snip%
> (define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
> (send dc set-text-foreground (make-object color% 255 0 0)))
> (super-new)
> (send this insert text (string-length text)))))
> (text-snip "hello")
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