[plt-scheme] Describe Function

From: Doug Williams (m.douglas.williams at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 9 21:28:18 EST 2009

Thanks, I just added it.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Chongkai Zhu <czhu at cs.utah.edu> wrote:

> Doug Williams wrote:
>> I've written a describe function for PLT Scheme - because I always liked
>> it in Common Lisp. I'll put it on PLaneT eventually, but was wondering if
>> anyone had suggestions for what to include. Data types that are there now
>> that I'm pretty comfortable with are: Booleans, numbers, strings, byte
>> strings, characters, symbols, regular expressions, byte regular expressions,
>> keywords, lists, pairs (improper lists), mutable lists, mutable pairs
>> (improper mpairs), vectors, boxes, hashes, procedures, and void.
> Don't forget eof.
>  I may have gone a bit overboard with giving the names of integers (up to
>> 10^102), but the Symbolics Common Lisp describe function did it and I always
>> liked showing it off. So, I included it. But, it might make sense to limit
>> it to fixums just to keep the name from getting so long.
>> I'm pretty happy with procedure descriptions with the number of positional
>> arguments and required and optional keywords. (I still need to handle the
>> case of the optional keywords list being #f - that is, allow any keyword.)
>> I'm curious about whether a primitive closure is different from a primitive
>> procedure - for example, can you get the result arity for a primitive
>> closure like you can for a primitive procedure. And, what is a example of a
>> primitive closure so I can include a test for it?
>> I've included recursively describing boxes and hashes. It shouldn't be a
>> problem for boxes, but hash descriptions could get rather long when I
>> include descriptions of the key values. Would it make sense to have a
>> recursive? arguments to control this? If recursive? is implemented should it
>> also apply to lists, vectors, etc? I'm concerned about inundating the user
>> with detail where it isn't needed. [Maybe the best thing is to limit
>> recursive descriptions to boxes.]
>> Structs and objects are somewhat more problematic. If a struct responds to
>> struct?, I can get some details with struct->vector. So, I am currently
>> recursively describing the field details (by field number) for these. As far
>> as I can tell, completely opaque structured (i.e., those that return #f for
>> struct?) will give me the 'name' of the structure type by using object-name.
>> Any suggestions for describing structs and objects (and classes) would be
>> welcome.
>> What other first-class data object would be useful to include (parameters,
>> which get described as procedures now, modules, units, signatures,
>> processes, ...)?
>> Thoughts, suggestions, comments, etc are welcome.
>> The message with describe.ss attached was too big to post (I can send it
>> separately if anyone wants to play with it), but here is some spew of the
>> describe-test.ss file:
>> --- Booleans ---
>> #t is the Boolean true
>> #f is the Boolean false
>> --- Numbers ---
>> +inf.0 is positive infinity
>> -inf.0 is negative infinity
>> +nan.0 is an inexact positive real number
>> 0 is the exact integer fixnum zero
>> 3628800 is the exact positive integer fixnum three million six hundred
>> twenty-eight thousand eight hundred
>> 815915283247897734345611269596
>> 115894272000000000 is an exact positive integer eight hundred fifteen
>> quattuordecillion nine hundred fifteen tredecillion two hundred eighty-three
>> duodecillion two hundred forty-seven undecillion eight hundred ninety-seven
>> decillion seven hundred thirty-four nonillion three hundred forty-five
>> octillion six hundred eleven septillion two hundred sixty-nine sextillion
>> five hundred ninety-six quintillion one hundred fifteen quadrillion eight
>> hundred ninety-four trillion two hundred seventy-two billion
>> -32636611329915909373824450783844635770880000000000 is an exact negative
>> integer minus thirty-two quindecillion six hundred thirty-six
>> quattuordecillion six hundred eleven tredecillion three hundred twenty-nine
>> duodecillion nine hundred fifteen undecillion nine hundred nine decillion
>> three hundred seventy-three nonillion eight hundred twenty-four octillion
>> four hundred fifty septillion seven hundred eighty-three sextillion eight
>> hundred forty-four quintillion six hundred thirty-five quadrillion seven
>> hundred seventy trillion eight hundred eighty billion
>> 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
>> is an exact positive integer value whose absolute value is >= 10^102
>> 3628800/39916801 is an exact positive rational number with a numerator of
>> 3628800 and a denominator of 39916801
>> -1+3i is an exact complex number whose magnitude is 3.1622776601683795
>> 0.0 is an inexact integer zero
>> 3628800.0 is an inexact positive integer
>> 8.159152832478977e+047 is an inexact positive integer
>> 3.1622776601683795 is an inexact positive real number
>> 0+3.1622776601683795i is an inexact positive imaginary number
>> 3.1622776601683795+3.1622776601683795i is an inexact complex number whose
>> magnitude is 4.47213595499958
>> --- Strings ---
>> "abc" is an immutable string of length 3
>> "123" is a mutable string of length 3
>> --- Byte Strings ---
>> #"abc" is an immutable byte string of length 3
>> #"012" is a mutable byte string of length 3
>> --- Characters ---
>> #\a is the character whose code-point number is 97(#x61) and general
>> category is 'll (letter, lowercase)
>> #\A is the character whose code-point number is 65(#x41) and general
>> category is 'lu (letter, uppercase)
>> #\0 is the character whose code-point number is 48(#x30) and general
>> category is 'nd (number, decimal digit)
>> #\( is the character whose code-point number is 40(#x28) and general
>> category is 'ps (punctuation, open)
>> --- Symbols ---
>> abc is the interned symbol
>> |(a + b)| is the interned symbol
>> g1121 is an uninterned symbol
>> --- Regular Expressions ---
>> #rx"Ap*le" is a regular expression in regexp format
>> #px"Ap*le" is a regular expression in pregexp format
>> --- Byte Regular Expressions ---
>> #rx#"Ap*le" is a byte regular expression in regexp format
>> #px#"Ap*le" is a byte regular expression in pregexp format
>> --- Keywords ---
>> #:key is the keyword
>> --- Lists and Pairs ---
>> (this is a proper list) is a proper immutable list of length 5
>> (this is an improper . list) is an improper immutable list
>> ((this . is) (also . a) (proper . list)) is a proper immutable list of
>> length 3
>> --- Mutable Lists and Pairs ---
>> {this is a proper list} is a proper mutable list of length 5
>> {this is an improper . list} is an improper mutable list
>> {(this . is) (also . a) (proper . list)} is a proper mutable list of
>> length 3
>> --- Vectors ---
>> #(1 2 3) is an immutable vector of length 3
>> --- Boxes ---
>> #&12 is a box containing 12, 12 is the exact positive integer fixnum
>> twelve
>> #&#&a is a box containing #&a, #&a is a box containing a, a is the
>> interned symbol
>> #&3.1622776601683795 is a box containing 3.1622776601683795,
>> 3.1622776601683795 is an inexact positive real number
>> --- Hashes ---
>> #hash((c . 16) (b . 14) (a . 12)) is an immutable hash table and that uses
>> equal? to compare keys
>>  c : 16, 16 is the exact positive integer fixnum sixteen
>>  b : 14, 14 is the exact positive integer fixnum fourteen
>>  a : 12, 12 is the exact positive integer fixnum twelve
>> #hasheq((c . c) (b . b) (a . a)) is an immutable hash table and that uses
>> eq? to compare keys
>>  c : c, c is the interned symbol
>>  b : b, b is the interned symbol
>>  a : a, a is the interned symbol
>> #hasheqv((c . #\c) (b . #\b) (a . #\a)) is an immutable hash table and
>> that uses eqv? to compare keys
>>  c : #\c, #\c is the character whose code-point number is 99(#x63) and
>> general category is 'll (letter, lowercase)
>>  b : #\b, #\b is the character whose code-point number is 98(#x62) and
>> general category is 'll (letter, lowercase)
>>  a : #\a, #\a is the character whose code-point number is 97(#x61) and
>> general category is 'll (letter, lowercase)
>> #hash((b . 14) (a . 12) (c . 16)) is a mutable hash table and that uses
>> equal? to compare keys
>>  b : 14, 14 is the exact positive integer fixnum fourteen
>>  a : 12, 12 is the exact positive integer fixnum twelve
>>  c : 16, 16 is the exact positive integer fixnum sixteen
>> #<hash> is a mutable hash table that holds its keys weakly and that uses
>> equal? to compare keys
>>  c : 16, 16 is the exact positive integer fixnum sixteen
>>  b : 14, 14 is the exact positive integer fixnum fourteen
>>  a : 12, 12 is the exact positive integer fixnum twelve
>> --- Procedures ---
>> #<procedure:car> is a primitive procedure named car that accepts 1
>> argument and returns 1 result
>> #<procedure:open-output-file> is a procedure named open-output-file that
>> accepts 1 argument plus optional keyword arguments #:exists and #:mode
>> #<procedure:current-input-port> is a primitive procedure named
>> current-input-port that accepts 0 or 1 arguments and returns 1 result
>> #<procedure:...describe-test.ss:133:10> is a procedure named
>> ...describe-test.ss:133:10 that accepts 1 argument
>> --- Void ---
>> #<void> is void
>> --- Structures ---
>> #(struct:transparent-struct a b c) is a structure of type
>> transparent-struct
>>  1 : a, a is the interned symbol
>>  2 : b, b is the interned symbol
>>  3 : c, c is the interned symbol
>> --- Other Named Things ---
>> #<opaque-struct> is an object of type opaque-struct
>> Doug
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