[plt-scheme] parser tools

From: Laurent (laurent.orseau at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 9 04:39:36 EST 2009


I don't know much about the parser tools, so I can't help you on that.

But I recently made a simple quick-and-dirty text parser tool:

It does not make any difference between lexing and parsing, so you can mix
both easily.
It can also be controlled dynamically so you should be able to modify the
separator on the fly.
If you're interested I can provide some more help.
For larger applications than quick-and-dirty, I would certainly recommend
the integrated parsing tools, though.

Although if all you need is separate data with a given string, then using a
lexer and a parser might be a bit overkill...
Maybe using just regexp-split would be enough.


2009/11/7 Ivanyi Peter <pivanyi at freemail.hu>

> Hi,
> Is it possible to create a lexer and parser dynamically?
> I would like to create an application, which, for example, reads in a file
> which contains what the separator character is and after that
> the program can read in another file, but considers the separator
> character. Somehow I could not manage to create a variable, which
> then can be used in a lexer. Any way to do this?
> Thanks for any help.
> Best regards,
> Peter Ivanyi
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