[plt-scheme] order of magnitude
Hi Phil,
Yes, that is an exact method (provided b is exact) and the code is straight forward indeed. As you say, it takes a while. That's why I try to use primitive log. In fact I use a method that computes the logarithms (base 10) of the numerator and nominator of rationals separately such as to avoid -inf.0 for (positive) rational numbers very close to zero (not shown in my example)
We have something like integer-sqrt/remainder for square roots. It would be nice to have something like (integer-log-base-10/remainder n) --> p r such that (+ (expt 10 p) r) exactly equals n, where n, p and r are positive exact integer numbers and p is computed to be maximal.
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Bewig
To: Jos Koot
Cc: plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] order of magnitude
(define (ilog b n)
Β (let loop ((n n) (i -1))
Β Β Β (if (zero? n) i
Β Β Β Β Β (loop (quotient n b) (+ i 1)))))
(ilog 10 #e1000e1000000) => 1000003
It does take a while....
On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 5:04 AM, Jos Koot <jos.koot at telefonica.net> wrote:
Some browsing did not lead me to finding a function that accepts an exact positive rational number and returns its order of magnitude (an exact integer number) Something like:
(define log10 (inexact->exact (log 10)))
(define (order-of-magnitude q) (floor (/ (inexact->exact (log q)) log10)))
However, due to inexactness of function log we find:
(/ (inexact->exact (log #e1000e1000000)) log10) --> close to but sligtly less than 1000003
and hence:
(order-of-magnitude #e1000e1000000) ; --> 1000002
The wanted answer is 1000003. So I did the following:
(define order-of-magnitude
Β (let*
Β ((log10 (inexact->exact (log 10)))
Β Β (10log (Ξ» (q) (/ (inexact->exact (log q)) log10))))
Β (Ξ» (q)
Β Β (unless (and (rational? q) (exact? q) (positive? q))
Β Β Β (raise-type-error 'magnitude "positive exact rational number" q))
Β Β (let* ((m (floor (10log q))) (k (expt 10 m)))
Β Β Β ; From now on all arithmetic operations and their operands are exact.
Β Β Β (let loop ((m m) (lower (* k 1/10)) (middle k) (upper (* k 10)))
Β Β Β Β (cond
Β Β Β Β Β ((<= q lower) (loop (sub1 m) (* lower 1/10) lower middle))
Β Β Β Β Β ((>= q upper) (loop (add1 m) middle upper (* upper 10)))
Β Β Β Β Β (else m)))))))
(order-of-magnitude #e1000e1000000) ; --> 1000003
However, this seems rather complicated. Does someone have or know of a simpler and faster function for this purpose?
Thanks, Jos
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