[plt-scheme] random walk
I'm trying to write a macro that writes a function that sums the L2-lengths of
all (random) walks of depth d on a square grid of dimension DIM. In dimension 2
that function should look like this:
(define (walk depth)
(let step ((d 0) (x 0) (y 0) #;(z 0))
(cond ((< d depth)
(let ((d+1 (+ d 1)))
(step d+1 (+ x 1) y)
(step d+1 (- x 1) y)
(+ (step d+1 x (+ y 1))
(step d+1 x (- y 1))) ))))
(+ (* x x) (* y y)) ) )))
(walk d) starts at the origin, (x,y) = (0,0), and recursively walks a step in
all 2DIM directions, returning the L2-length when depth d is reached and summing
all those lengths. It is not hard to prove that (walk depth) is equal to (expt
(* 2 (DIM)) depth) but this random walk length summer is only the starting point
for doing more interesting things.
I'm looking for a macro that will write the `walk' function given the dimension.
Attached is an attempt that I cannot seem to get working.
If you cannot read my mind, then listen to what I say.
Marijn Schouten (hkBst), Gentoo Lisp project, Gentoo ML
<http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-{lisp,ml} on FreeNode
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