[plt-scheme] auto check syntax

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Sat May 16 15:20:20 EDT 2009

Eli Barzilay wrote at 05/16/2009 02:50 PM:
> On May 16, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
>> Actually, I suspect there is enough information before the variable
>> rename occurs that invalidating the existing Check Syntax
>> information is not necessary -- just update the name and update the
>> positional information for every piece of syntax after the first
>> occurrence.
> But (bad) macros can change their behavior based on the names.

Drat, I forgot about bad macros.  I suppose one could detect the 
(unusual?) case of bad macro use and fall back to the slow way of doing 

Or, perhaps full Syntax Check can be sped up, and there's no point in 
special case updates after source changes like renames.


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