[plt-scheme] drawing open lines
I'm trying to draw a list of lines on a canvas, but the lines seem to be
implicitly closed so that further drawing within the area closed by the
lines does not appear.
Attached is a sample program. Draw a circle (click and drag the mouse
on the canvas), then draw a line through it to see the effect.
How can I draw lines without this closing behavior?
#lang scheme/gui
(define frame (new frame%
[label "Squiggles"]
[width 300]
[height 300]))
;; A canvas you can draw squiggles on.
(define squiggle-canvas%
(class canvas%
(define squiggling? false)
(define points empty) ;; Listof Point
(define strokes empty) ;; Listof [Listof Point]
(define/public (draw-strokes dc)
(for-each (lambda (s) (send dc draw-path (stroke->path s)))
;; [Listof Point] -> Path
(define (stroke->path s)
(let ((path (make-object dc-path%)))
(send path move-to
(send (first s) get-x)
(send (first s) get-y))
(send path lines s)
(define/override (on-event ev)
(cond [(and (not squiggling?)
(send ev dragging?))
; start sguiggling
(set! squiggling? true)
(set! points empty)]
[(and squiggling?
(send ev dragging?))
; continue squiggling
(set! points
(cons (make-object point%
(send ev get-x)
(send ev get-y))
; stop squiggling (other event)
(unless (empty? points)
(set! strokes (cons points strokes)))
(set! squiggling? false)
(send this on-paint)]
[else (void)]))
; Make the drawing area
(define canvas
(new squiggle-canvas%
[parent frame]
[style '(no-autoclear)]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(send dc set-smoothing 'smoothed)
(send dc set-pen "red" 3 'dot)
(send canvas draw-strokes dc))]))
(send frame show #t)