[plt-scheme] interactive lecture tool
I might be able to get someone to work on it.
Are there notes or something else that would help someone who is not
familiar with the code get going somewhat quickly?
On 6-May-09, at 12:15 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> It is/was in the planning stage, and some of us asked for JaneSt
> summer funding to implement it -- w/o success. It may still happen
> anyway -- Matthias
> On May 6, 2009, at 3:09 PM, Gregor Kiczales wrote:
>> One thing I like to do in lecture is ask students to work on
>> something in groups and then we all discuss it. Sometimes I even
>> ask them to work at the board.
>> One thing that would make this work even better with Dr. Scheme,
>> would be an easy to use "Post Definitions Window" button that would
>> allow students who I ask to do so to "post" a buffer to a new open
>> file in the Dr. Scheme running on my laptop. (Or even right into
>> the currently open file there.)
>> Has anyone developed anything like this?
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