[plt-scheme] Computers considered harmful

From: ebellani at gmail.com (ebellani at gmail.com)
Date: Wed May 6 18:30:05 EDT 2009

> The latest instantiation is to say we must teach 'computational
> thinking' and must stay away from programming as long as possible. Or at
> least for a semester. So use the computer and canned apps (say spreadsheets
> and possibly story boards) but don't make them program.

That would be very sad indeed. If anyone would want to understand why, go take a look
at anything Seymour Papert's works, like Mindstorms [1] or for a shorter reading [2].

[1] http://www.amazon.com/Mindstorms-Children-Computers-Powerful-Ideas/dp/0465046746
[2] http://www.papert.org/articles/ComputerCriticismVsTechnocentric.html 

Eduardo Bellani


Someone once called me "just a dreamer"
That offended me, the "just" part.
Being a dreamer is hard work. 
It really gets hard when you start believing in your dreams.
--Doug Engelbart

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