[plt-scheme] DrScheme tour screencast (sound volume too low)
As a newcomer to DrScheme I can confirm that the tour is a bit too quick.
The part that I really didn't get was the part at around 7:30 - 8 minutes
about the stepper. When the tour is revised, it would be helpful to identify
explicitly the language choices that are valid for the stepper (beginning
student with list abbrevs, intermediate student, and intermediate student
with lambda), and point out the different symbols that appear as buttons in
that location: the footprint with the toes to the right vs no symbol (for
beginner and advanced) and perhaps also point out that in other languages
(eg Pretty Big) there is a "Macro Stepper" with a toes-pointing-up
footprint) that is Not The Same Thing, but it appears in the same place.
It also might be useful to describe the fact that even for a very small
program, the syntax checker will take 3 or 4 seconds after pressing "check
syntax" before the arrows start to work (YMMV of course, my G4 laptop is 4
years old and a bit slow.)
Naming that the interactions window will be cleared every time you "run" the
definitions window would be helpful. @ 2:00
It was soft enough that I listened to it on headphones, and it only comes on
the left channel. Somewhat disconcerting.
I confess I failed to notice the existence of the Tour until seeing the
comment about it on the mailing list. It is on the home page of the PLT
site, but it's over on the right. Putting it immediately under the "Getting
Started" section might make it more findable. It also is not listed on the
"Docs" ( http://docs.plt-scheme.org/) page. It deserves a place there under
the Getting Started section as well.
As a novice, and an independent learner, I have to say 'thanks' to everyone
who has made this quite amazing teaching/learning tool.
On 5/3/09 11:48 AM, "Jos Koot" <jos.koot at telefonica.net> wrote:
> +1
> I had to open both virtual and real volume controls full open to get a
> reasonable sound.
> May be the demo should wait for a user response before going to the next
> slite.
> The presentation may be somewhat too quick for someone who has never seen
> DrScheme.
> Jos
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "i j" <laplacian42 at gmail.com>
> To: <plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu>
> Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 7:56 PM
> Subject: [plt-scheme] DrScheme tour screencast (sound volume too low)
>> I tried watching the DrScheme tour screencast
>> http://plt-scheme.org/tour.html but the sound volume is very low and
>> also seems to only come out of the left speaker. Even at full blast
>> it's difficult to hear clearly.
>> Also, as long as I'm complaining ;), the resolution seems quite low as
>> well. Compare to platypope's Emacs screencast:
>> http://platypope.org/yada/emacs-demo/ .
>> Thanks.
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