[plt-scheme] Parameterized modules
Thanks Anthony and Carl. I'll look it up ;-)
Anthony Cowley wrote:
> On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Filipe Cabecinhas <filcab at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How can I parameterize a module?
> Filipe,
> I happened to post some notes I made for myself during a recent
> exploration of using Units in PLT Scheme fairly recently:
> http://www.arcadianvisions.com/blog/?p=71
> These are not at all exhaustive, but I hope the concrete examples may
> be of some help.
> I built a distributed STM and wanted to keep message passing
> functionality abstract from peer management functionality and
> distributed mutual exclusion management. Everything ended up working
> out great, so I do heartily recommend trying out Units.
> Anthony