[plt-scheme] Re: bug installing PLAI language in 4.1.5?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 31 07:53:30 EDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:48 AM, Benjamin L.Russell
<DekuDekuplex at yahoo.com> wrote:
> In the Cygwin shell, I ran the command 'planet url plai plai.plt 1 1',
> and obtained the following URL:
> http://planet.plt-scheme.org/servlets/planet-servlet.ss?lang=%224.1.5%22&name=%22plai.plt%22&maj=1&min-lo=1&min-hi=%23f&path=%28%22plai%22%29
> Then, I downloaded the file 'planet-servlet.ss' there to the directory
> C:\Documents and Settings\Benjamin\My Documents\DrScheme\PLaneT
> Libraries\PLAI .
> Then, I changed to this directory in the Cygwin shell, and ran the
> following command:
>     planet fileinject <username> planet-servlet.ss 1 1
> with 'username' substituted by my username.

Oops! Sorry, that should have been

  planet fileinject plai plai.plt 1 1

I think that you want to now run

  planet show

and you'll see something listed with a Benjamin in it. Run planet
remove with arguments from the planet show line (if you send the
planet show output I can tell you the precise line).

Then run the planet fileinject above and, assuming that the plai
package doesn't have any problems of its own, you should be set.


> The installation seemed to proceed smoothly, but after about 5
> minutes, setup-plt concluded with the following errors:
>>setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/Benjamin/planet-servlet.ss/1/1 (PLAI)
>>setup-plt:   planet: ill-formed module path in: (planet Benjamin/planet-servlet.ss:1:1/datatype)
>>setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/Benjamin/planet-servlet.ss/1/1/private
>>setup-plt:   planet: ill-formed module path in: (planet Benjamin/planet-servlet.ss:1:1/test-harness)
>>setup-plt: error: during Building docs for C:\Documents and Settings\Benjamin\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\4.1.5\cache\Benjamin\planet-servlet.ss\1\1\
>>scribblings/plai.scrblsetup-plt: --- creating launchers ---
>>setup-plt: --- installing collections ---
>>setup-plt: --- post-installing collections ---
>>setup-plt: done
>>setup-plt:   planet: ill-formed module path in: (planet Benjamin/planet-servlet.ss:1:1/main)
> In addition, when I then attempted to start DrScheme, version 4.1.5,
> english, DrScheme froze in the middle of startup with the following
> duplicate errors in the Standard Output window and in a mini dialog
> box:
>>Error invoking tool #<path:C:\Documents and Settings\Benjamin\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\4.1.5\cache\Benjamin\planet-servlet.ss\1\1>;"plai-tool.ss"
>>planet: ill-formed module path in: (planet Benjamin/planet-servlet.ss:1:1/private/tool-private)
>> === context ===
>>C:\bin\PLT-4.1.5\collects\scheme\private\reqprov.ss:58:13: t
>>C:\bin\PLT-4.1.5\collects\scheme\private\map.ss:44:11: for-each
>>C:\bin\PLT-4.1.5\collects\drscheme\private\tools.ss:62:0: load/invoke-all-tools
> When I pressed "Ok" for both dialog boxes, DrScheme then finished
> starting up, but "PLAI" was not listed among the list of Teaching
> Languages.
> What should I do now?
> -- Benjamin L. Russell
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 05:56:14 -0500, Robby Findler
> <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>>If you run the command 'planet url plai plai.plt 1 1' from the shell,
>>you will get a url. Download that and then use 'planet fileinject' to
>>install it.
>>On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:25 AM, Benjamin L.Russell
>><DekuDekuplex at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> I just tried to install the PLAI package on PLaneT from the following
>>> URL:
>>> http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=plai.plt&owner=plai
>>> using the following command:
>>> (require (planet plai/plai:1:1))
>>> However, I encountered the following error message:
>>> require: PLaneT could not download the requested package: tcp-connect:
>>> connection to planet.plt-scheme.org, port 80 failed (at step 4:
>>> ?\?P?b?g??O??????????????????s?????????????B; errno=10038) in: (planet
>>> plai/plai:1:1)
>>> When I unblocked access to port 80 for TCP/IP packages in Control
>>> Panel, restarted DrScheme (it repeated the same error message until I
>>> did this), and tried to run the command again, this time I ran into
>>> the following error message:
>>> require: PLaneT could not download the requested package: tcp-write:
>>> error writing (Unknown error; errno=10038) in: (planet plai/plai:1:1)
>>> Do you have a download site where I can manually download the file and
>>> then install it from the local hard disk?
>>> -- Benjamin L. Russell
>>> On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 10:30:53 -0600, Jay McCarthy
>>> <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>The PLAI package listed on
>>>>is only tested with 4.1.3 (although I think it may work with 4.1.4)
>>>>If you want to use 4.1.5, I've just recently put the PLAI package on PLaneT:
>>>>On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Eric Tanter <etanter at dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I've just downloaded the latest version of DrScheme and tried to install the
>>>>> PLAI package (Shriram's book).
>>>>> I get an error:
>>>>> /snip/
>>>>> setup-plt: --- creating launchers ---
>>>>> setup-plt: --- installing collections ---
>>>>> setup-plt: --- post-installing collections ---
>>>>> setup-plt: done
>>>>> setup-plt:
>>>>> setup-plt: error: during making for <user>/plai (PLAI)
>>>>> setup-plt: ? web/server.ss:81:8: module: identifier is already imported at:
>>>>> url->path in: (define-values (url->path) (fsmap:make-url->path (build-path
>>>>> server-root-path "htdocs")))
>>>>> setup-plt: error: during making for <user>/plai/web
>>>>> setup-plt: ? server.ss:81:8: module: identifier is already imported at:
>>>>> url->path in: (define-values (url->path) (fsmap:make-url->path (build-path
>>>>> server-root-path "htdocs")))
>>>>> any idea?
>>>>> -- Eric
>>>>> _________________________________________________
>>>>> ?For list-related administrative tasks:
>>>>> ?http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>>> --
>>> Benjamin L. Russell ?/ ? DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
>>> http://dekudekuplex.wordpress.com/
>>> Translator/Interpreter / Mobile: ?+011 81 80-3603-6725
>>> "Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."
>>> -- Matsuo Basho^
>>> _________________________________________________
>>> ?For list-related administrative tasks:
>>> ?http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> --
> Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
> http://dekudekuplex.wordpress.com/
> Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
> "Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."
> -- Matsuo Basho^
> _________________________________________________
>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme

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