[plt-scheme] Autowrap in embedded text% snip

From: Erich Rast (erich at snafu.de)
Date: Wed Mar 25 16:21:02 EDT 2009

Now I'm getting confused, because there is also a corresponding method  
add-tall-snip in text:wide-snip%.

Or do you rather want to say that it only works for canvas:wide-snip%  
and doesn't do anything in text:wide-snip%?

The documentation is sparse, but I'd really prefer not to reinvent the  
wheel (unless the existing wheel is a square wheel).



Am 25.03.2009 um 20:04 schrieb Matthew Flatt:

> I think you have to use a canvas that implements `canvas:wide-snip< 
> %>',
> such as `canvas:wide-snip%'.
> The docs for `add-tall-snip' say
>   This method should only be called by add-tall-snip.
> which looks like a typo (a method should only be called by itself?!)
> until you click the `add-tall-snip', which turns out to be a method in
> `canvas:wide-snip<%>'.
> At Wed, 25 Mar 2009 19:57:11 +0000, Erich Rast wrote:
>> Is there an example somewhere that illustrates how add-wide-snip,  
>> add-
>> tall-snip, and text:wide-snip% work?
>> Best regards,
>> Erich
>>> The framework has some support for that. Try searing for 'wide-snip'
>>> in the docs.
>>> Robby
>>> On 3/23/09, Erich Rast <erich at snafu.de> wrote:
>>>> x-height also doesn't seem to affect the wrapping.
>>>> What I'd like to have is various embedded editors that extend
>>>> vertically
>>>> as you type and automatically wrap text according to the width of  
>>>> the
>>>> embedding editor. When the outer text% is resized, the embedded
>>>> editor
>>>> snips should resize their width, too, but always display their  
>>>> whole
>>>> content, i.e. only resize their height such that all of the content
>>>> remains visible.
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