[plt-scheme] Code review: garden fence encryption
Marek, like Dave, I have tried to write it from scratch, though I
based it on your image of the fence. (I know very little about
encrypting and decrypting.) I wanted to see whether our freshmen
could do it, possibly with some hints, so I wrote it in intermediate
+ lambda + take/drop (which they can write). No decrypting yet :-]
-- Matthias
#lang scheme
(require srfi/1 htdp/testing)
;;;; An example:
;;;; 1. d k = (d k) = "dk"
;;;; 2. i n l = (i n l) = "inl"
;;;; 3. e i a = (e i a) = "eia"
;;;; 4. s e r t = (s e r t) = "sert"
;;;; 5. i t t x = (i t t x) = "ittx"
;;;; 6. s e = (s e) = "se"
;;;; Then the resulting encrypted text is "dkinleiasertittxse",
;;;; which results in appending the characters from all lines, starting
;;;; with the first.
;;;; More details (in german) on the web:
;;;; <http://www.webplain.de/foren/read.php?1,8094>
;; String Nat -> String
;; encode according to fence
(define X '_)
(check-expect (fence "diesisteinklartext" 6) "dkinleiasertittxse")
(define (fence str h)
(local ((define a (apply append (transpose (waves (string->list
str) h))))
(define r (filter (lambda (e) (not (eq? e X))) a)))
(list->string r)))
;; [Listof X] Nat -> [Listof [Listof (U X Char)]]
;; chop the list into as many pieces of length h, plus padding of the
last one
(check-expect (waves '(d i e s i s t e i n k l a r t e x t) 6)
'((d i e s i s) (_ n i e t _) (k l a r t e) (_ _ _ t x
(check-expect (waves '(d i e s i) 3) '((d i e) (_ s _) (i _ _)))
(define (waves str h)
(local ((define (down str)
[(>= h (length str)) (list (append str (fill h str)))]
[else (cons (take str h) (up (drop str h)))]))
(define (up str)
[(>= (- h 2) (length str))
(list (append (fill (- h 1) str) (reverse (cons X
[else (cons (cons X (reverse (cons X (take str (- h
(down (drop str (- h 2))))]))
(define (fill h str) (build-list (- h (length str))
(lambda (i) X))))
(down str)))
;; [Listof [Listof X]] -> [Listof [Listof X]]
;; transpose the matrix
(transpose '((d i e s i s) (_ n i e t _) (k l a r t e) (_ _ _ t x _)))
'((d _ k _) (i n l _) (e i a _) (s e r t) (i t t x) (s _ e _)))
(define (transpose m)
[(empty? (first m)) '()]
[else (cons (map first m) (transpose (map rest m)))]))