[plt-scheme] self-referential data structures
On Mar 5, 2009, at 11:15 PM, Henk Boom wrote:
> You could also do something like this:
> ; file dlist.ss
> #lang scheme/base
> (provide dlist previous next current)
> (define-struct triplet (previous current next))
> (define (dlist x . xs)
> (make-triplet '() x xs))
> (define (previous dlist)
> (make-triplet (cdr (triplet-previous dlist))
> (car (triplet-previous dlist))
> (cons (triplet-current dlist)
> (triplet-next dlist))))
> (define (next dlist)
> (make-triplet (cons (triplet-current dlist)
> (triplet-previous dlist))
> (car (triplet-next dlist))
> (cdr (triplet-next dlist))))
> (define current triplet-current)
I have to confess, I hadn't thought of that, and now I feel stupid
for not having thought of it. Especially since I've done the
standard simulation of a Turing machine by a two-stack PDA.
When I first looked at it, I thought "Yes, but won't that be terribly
inefficient?" And then I thought "Even worse, (next (previous my-
list)) isn't equal? to my-list." On a second look, I realized I was
incorrect about the second objection (it isn't eqv?, but it is
equal?), and any extra triplets you create in the course of moving
back and forth along a list can be garbage-collected, so the
efficiency difference comes down to a (small) constant factor of both
time and memory. And, of course, efficiency is seldom a serious
concern in a first course; you optimize after you've got things
working correctly.
I wouldn't want to do the above in a non-garbage-collected language,
but then again I'd rather not do much of ANYTHING in a non-garbage-
collected language :-)
Thanks, Henk and Marco: I learned something today.
Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu