[plt-scheme] syntax/loc for synthesized location data
Excellent, thank you very much.
On Mar 2, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Fri, 27 Feb 2009 11:18:08 -0500, Dave Herman wrote:
>> Carl Eastlund wrote:
>>> I then got different behavior by providing a source other than #f:
>>>> (define loc2 (datum->syntax #f 'goodbye (list 'here 100 4 4 5)))
>>>> loc2
>>> .#<syntax:100:4>
>>>> (define stx2 (syntax/loc loc2 (list 5 4 3 2 1)))
>>>> stx2
>>> .#<syntax:100:4>
>> Interesting. So do we know whether this is a bug or an undocumented
>> but
>> intended invariant? (I'm hoping the former.)
> This is finally fixed in SVN. The `syntax/loc' form now transfers a
> location as long as either the source or position is non-#f.